How will SAESA affect the make-up of the emergency services?
The employees and volunteers of SAESA include your neighbors and friends. They include your auto mechanic, your school board member, your village council member, the secretary of your child's school. Should you have the occasion to dial 911, you can be assured that you will get a quick response from a well trained emergency response professionals, and that you will be treated with dignity and compassion.
What will an emergency service millage cost me?
In August 2006 SAESA 1.1 millage for 5 years was passed by the voters authority wide in Stockbridge, Bunker Hill, Waterloo and White Oak Townships. The increase is $1.10 per $1,000 of taxable value. If you own a house with a taxable value of $100,000, the portion of your taxes that would support SAESA would be $110 per year.
Why was the authority formed?
SAESA was formed for several reason. One is the high cost of providing emergency services and the unwillingness of some insurance carriers to meet those cost. SAESA is also aware that it may be a hardship for some our patients to cover the portion of their emergency services bill their insurance will not cover. By forming an authority, local emergency response organizations can levy mills throughout the townships to help ensure the continuation of swift, competent response to emergencies by offsetting the cost of delivering these vital services to our community.